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Henry James Short Stories

by Henry James
Price $ 24.99

"The Beast of the Jungle" (considered to be one of Henry James' best), "The Altar of the Dead", "The Birthplace", "The Liar" and "The Middle Years" comprise this deeply sensitive and provocative collection. AVAILABLE ON CD, OR CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FROM AUDIBLE.COM.

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Listener Reviews

My husband says you are a superb reader of Henry James' books–the best he has ever heard. You make sense out of all the complicated sentences and bring the subtleties alive. Thank you...
S. Archimedes

Capturing the flavor of the Victorian age, Flo Gibson reads James' short stories with grace and style. James' stories are dramatically paced, with insights that sneak up on the reader slowly. Gibson uses her skills to enhance the text, carrying the listener along the crashing, yet demure, climax. In keeping with the nineteenth-century ideal, Gibson remains distant from her characters. Vocal characterizations are minimal but fitting for each story. Gibson's sense of pacing and her understanding of the text make her an excellent docent for this trip through James's short works.

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