O Pioneers!
by Willa CatherThe Bergsons, a Swedish family of settlers in Nebraska, overcome drought and other disasters and, due to the energetic and courageous efforts of Alexandra, build a prosperous farm. Her future hopes for her brother Emil are destroyed, and she must discover whether or not she has the strength to survive. AVAILABLE ON CD, OR CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FROM AUDIBLE.COM.
Listener Reviews
Gibson has a deep voice - coincidentally, earthy is the description that comes to mind – that enhances Cather’s richly evocative prose. It’s an intimate reading, as if Gibson is on the porch of the Nebraska farmhouse, passing the story along to younger generations as the twilight deepens.
Sandy Bauers, The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 10, 1990
Gibson’s clear reading and unique style enhance Cather’s description of Alexandra’s strength, intelligence, fortitude and loyalty…Gibson’s reading of Cather’s description of Alexandra’s affection for and support of the old man Ivor is poignant and especially noteworthy.
Kliatt, September 199
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